Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Continued Growth and Open Source Awareness

Good News on the Ubuntu Front, far as it goes both my sister and brother are interested in having it installed on their system, in a dual boot configuration, one with Windows XP that was pretty simple and the other with Windows 2000 that should be equally as simple.

It is good to see after using it and seeing me use it they are following suit, would you do the same when you see it or would you rather be stuck with Windows for the rest of your years?

There are far more options and things of interest in the open source movement will you join it or continue to be stuck in the world of closed source? The choice is yours what choice will you make?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Improving Linux - Ubuntu for the Best experience

One of the main appeal of Linux (and open source softwares) is the freedom of customization and the choice to do virtually anything you want. You are only limited by your imagination and understanding of the system. So today we will share some tips and information to make your linux system…
via LinuxHaxor

Makes some great points on how to improve Linux and it's variations for the better, it is a wonder that open source is the new event that is up and coming and more are realizing they are less at risk with Linux and it's variations such as Ubuntu as nearly every Windows PC.

Linux is the future, and Ubuntu is the means, will you make that choice to grow from here and extend your reach by exploring the power of this new Operating System?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Linux Unhackable - Ubuntu Stands Strong

The Linux fans will be thrilled to find out that their favorite operating system have proved the safest at the contest organized this week by the security firm TippingPoint.
via Linux News

Well good news from the tipping point competition, in seeing if a laptop running Ubuntu could be hacked.They competitors had three days, and the tools to use to attack the system, Mac Failed, and others did not survive, the interesting thing is that the Ubuntu Laptop was standing strong even on the third day of the competition so it says much for Ubuntu as the Operating System of Choice don't you think?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Racism Today - Still Exists But at the Forefront

With the election of Obama certainly racism, is still an issue, The difference is now it is on the forefront of our mind and the fear that has resided in each, is clear. Believed or not Racism is not ending it just took some steps towards progress.

With that though the challenge seems to be that now that we have both a Mayor and a President of the United States of Diverse Descent, making it clear that it is improving yet with change comes thos who do not want to see the change, who still hold Prejudice even if Extreme.

Still there are those, who feel that anything that is different on the outside even if the same blood flows through their veins we all breathe the same air. We all live and die regarddless of how it goes down. So the determining factor apparently for those who feel that anything that looks different on the outside must be bad and should be removed from existence. Of course just in that statement there is false information, a skewed view of existence that still resides in some based on their prior programming and the power of association.

With all these changes perhaps that will also be improved but with anything it will take time, the hope is that in the generations to come such prejudice will be forgotten or with the Commander and Chief being of African Descent and a mayor who is the same. In that there will be hopefully clarified and there would be more acceptance of what was once thought to be so different.

With this more accepted a wider range of view will become apparent and the acceptance more then it once was. Perhaps in that fact we shall see that things can improve and they will.

And on such change, the dream of Martin Luther King is hoped & realized and improved upon. It is merely a matter of the start and the continuation. Four years and perhaps eight could be what will help such realization come about. What are your thoughts?

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Setting Goals -- Do You?

Through your life, do you take the time to set goals in place, for the weeke ahead for the month ahead? For that matter, what are your views on goal setting?

Certainly many questions but it is because there are so many views that I wonder, each person has their own ideas about what goals are and if they are worthwhile to them. The fact of the matter is though they can be quite important in our life now and in the future.

To improve the possibilties as they stand would you take the time to write them down now and in this moment?

Mobile post sent by Knatchwa using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Catching Up Post Obama Election

Seems like it was a good matchup and Michelle Obama does seem to solid. What are your thoughts on this First Lady Elect?

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Watching Oprah because it caught my attention that she is putting together quite a concert as the closing event of the day. Amazing Isn't It?

Mobile post sent by Knatchwa using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ubuntu - Flock & The Journey

I just have had an opportunity to catch up on things, and there is more coming soon ... this is only a first blog post along with flock, and we shall see how it goes. The big question is how many use Flock and would you set it as your default?

I think to really make that change from Firefox which I have been quite happy with, with it's diverse selection of add-ons and the fact that it updates regularly not to mention, that the beauty of Open Source is quite apparent and very flexible.

Also why I have made the decision to transfer over to Ubuntu instead of dealing with Windows Vista, we shall see how well Windows 7 comes about, but honestly I would guess, that I will not change back to Closed Source because it is far more interesting. And the development cycle is fast and direct there is always ways to modify it or update it.

I like the flexibility that Ubuntu offers and yet this is just my beginning experiences in something that is not Windows or Microsoft it is nice to get away from Closed Source and yet to many games still follow the standard. Still uses DirectX and that is frustrating, to try and escape the circumstance and the limitation.

There is talk that windows 7, when it comes out will be closer to standards and may actually not require a different renderer, and perhaps it would make buildintg websites easier. Speculation is easy it is the rest of the story that must be explored. When it comes out, I would much rather be able to try it before paying for it.

The cost can be prohibitive and it may not be worth it, seeing as you bought it though it is more likely you will stay with it. Not to mention the frustration that the activation has always been and continues to be one of the main frustrations and annoyances that seems to be par for Microsoft and it's story.

The point being that really the best strategy is to steer clear of Microsoft and focus on Open Source because that works out better for most individuals who have the opportunities to explore something that is completely separate from most anything else.

That is my choice, what would be the choice you would make? Are you happy with Microsoft's Closed Source, instead of exploring Open Source? Of Course the Choice is yours, so share your thoughts:

        • In The Comments Down Below

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Ubuntu 101 - The Beginning of a new Journey In Learning

This is an extension on the Ubuntu 101 Room of Friend feed I would recommend you check their regularly or go ahead and signup to take part. There is much to learn so it will most certainly be a challenge. Which is why there is also a section on Ubuntu in the Discussion Forums which at this time is a work in progress.