Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ubuntu "Karmic Koala" by October 2009 Jaunty 9.10 Announced!

Nope, this is not a joke... Mark Shuttleworth, the father of Ubuntu Linux, has just announced a few minutes ago the codename and the goals of the next version of his marvelous operating system, Ubuntu 9.10 (codename Karmic Koala), scheduled for release in October 2009. "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the *Karmic Koala*, the newest member of our alliterative menagerie. When you are looking for inspiration beyond the looming Jaunty feature freeze, I hope you'll think of the Koala, our official mascot for Ubuntu 9.10. And if you'll bear with me for a minute I'll set the scene for what we hope to achieve in that time." - said Mark Shuttleworth in the official announcement. via

A new name, a new experience what to look forward to in the next release, of a brand new variation, a whole new version of one of the most popular linux distributions. One which has been so popular because of it's flexibility and support of making progress. As the open source movement continues and with this new addition to the Ubuntu Line, can it truly become the primary operating system and the absolute escape from Windows and closed source. That is at least the hope and with some of my recent readings, there has been more talk of larger organisations, taking the step to Ubuntu, for the increased security, the ease of deployment and the constant updates as a result of numerous developers working day and night around the world to improve it and enhance the overall experience. Linux is a programmers operating system, which improve the ability to run most things from Command Line Interface. In that it also enables further customization, of each aspect of the entire operating system. Since it is based on GPL which enables any one person to help improve the interface and functionality. So each moment of every day, there is someone working on improving Ubuntu for the next Long Term Release.

The process is ongoing, so I look forward to seeing how this "Carmic Koala" evolves, not like Cadie (Google's April Fool's Joke) but instead as the next generation of a new and exciting beginning to explore this next generation. So who else is exploring this new version of Ubuntu, and what has your experience been thus far? Why not share it in the comments, or come join me at the Ubuntu 101 Friendfeed Room. Begin the discussions and share your views on Ubuntu, and Open Source as A choice and escape closed source.

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