In the last few days, the internet has been down, without internet available I realized some things, one of the most clear ideas was without the convenience of internet at home it was necessary to go out to reconnect, not so bad I know. What really had me thinking was while it is available days would pass, hours would fly by and life pretty much flied by also. In that I begin to wonder how high is the cost for the convenience, in this connected world? When all you need to do is sit down at the computer, open up the browser (Firefox I would hope) and be online, only getting up for an occasional drink or snack, very little or no activity, no exercise except for the occasional walk up the stairs only to make something and back down and sit at the computer again.
As I thought about this I realized that though it was nice to have an always on connection, the consequence of this convenience we have become used to, is not ever getting outside, forgetting about exercise and just living your life online and in front of a computer. Forgetting so quickly how important exercise truly is to live a long life, preventing maladies, and early aging. With the convenience nothing ever gets done as far as getting outside, experiencing the day, with it's sun or wind, clouds, or the perfect sunset that would of otherwise not been seen or shared. A photo doesn't quite see it as the eyes of a person who even if they work on the computer for the day never forgets that the day is to be experienced.
Instead to be content with self happiness, from looking at a screen, moving a mouse, typing a phrase, and pressing enter. All the while a day becomes the night, as the hours pass. To finally get up tired, irritated not knowing why. Not taking the time to understand what it is, and the why that exists that you may be trying to not see. To just sleep, to awake to another day of very much the same, losing days off your life simply because you did not go outside and enjoy the world as it is presented. The same story, selective ignorance in it's purest form. Understand I am not trying to insult you, instead trying to help people and society to remember there is a whole other world outside of the computer screen that really should be experienced even if you work from home online, to not forget the natural beauty and health benefits of something as simple as a walk or a bike ride.
Why not stop the cycle, realize that there is a message your body is sharing with you, when you are feeling tired, irritated after a day of computing. That we as humans should enjoy the sun, the wind in your face, the sunset you see with your own eyes. The natural sounds that are often forgotten as a simple as a bird who sings, the sounds of the leaves as the winds blows them to and fro. Such simple sounds, such basic pleasures that are lost if you just spend the day in front of a computer, there is so much more to life when it is experienced. It cannot be experienced if you only spend the day and nights in front of a computer. The consequence of a world connected is really through each person awareness or lack of beyond the connected world.
Yet in today's society, there is a want for that same convenience,whether it is as a result of focused media attention, that attempts to control the public's view or simply a selective ignorance something must be done, there needs to be change. As at this time this habit of living life conveniently becomes a downward spiral that in it's eventual descent will result in many of the generations to come forgetting about the wonders of the world outside.
As we as a society, are dealing with obesity due to the lack of exercise due to the unwillingness to work more instead of just following the path of convenience. To speak to that as the only way, when really there is much more to it then that. When others have it, it is not so clearly the only way yet still many choose the path of least resistance. To jump on the bandwagon, to keep up with the Joneses to keep with pace with whomever they think is the way they want to be, even if it is based on false ideas and old traditions that are due for an update. Why not realize you can set your own pace, and that it is not so necessary to keep up with anyone except the person in the mirror? To use the mind we each have and the free will that is part of the package to make their own choices ... for the best of you and your family, to be healthy and live a long life.
A world connected does not mean that exercise, experience passes you by, instead being connected is only a tool to improve who you are. Not so much as a way of life but only a small part of the life that should be lived fully. The internet is surely a wealth of information, the beauty of the internet is also that the information will still be there even if you don't spend whole days and nights exploring it. Better to get outside, take a walk, ride a bike as every little bit you do for your health is an investment in a better future, through a healthy existence. Each person needs to take the steps, remove the blinders, to see the world in it's natural beauty, a place to be experienced that is only a choice and a consensus of you and the person in the mirror to take those steps to live life fully.
When the sun has gone to sleep, when the day is finally coming to a close go online and see for yourself that the information is still there, the internet went on even if you were not there for every second of it. In this simple visual reminder, that it is better to experience the day then to just let it pass you by, getting out there. In that action in those steps to breathe fresh air to see the sun, then to share it as a very practical possibility, with your neighbors, friends and any one person who sees you out there and experiencing the day will realize it is really not that difficult at all. We all should live a happy fulfilled life, through the extension of time as you get out there and breathe the fresh air and takes those steps or rotate those pedals. We are each worth that consideration that results in a bit of extra effort, to live this life happy, healthy, and fulfilled don't you think?
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